Monday 18 March 2013

Better start topping up!

Heres and excerpt from a book I found called "Always On"

"Searches conducted on mobile phones have skyrocketed in just the past few years - up 400% since 2010. Mobile internet usage is fast approaching PC internet usage and experts predict that by 2015, the primary platform for internet traffic will be mobile phones.

Having a website that is optimised for mobile devices translates into a better experience for all users – both those who search for you directly and those who locate your product or service through search. A mobile optimised website is not simply one viewable on mobile devices, but rather a site that is designed specifically to be easily readable and fully functional on small screens."

It really is amazing to witness and research how adapted and dependent we become to things almost instantaneously  The introduction of the mobile phone wit internet usage happened in 2002, and now its impossible to think of a phone that can not gain access to the internet. It changes like these which will be continuously intermediate, and more brutal, and any company or brand that is not ready for the new technology can easily get caught out, and get lost in digital translation. 

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