Monday 18 March 2013

1980's Advertising

Here is an advert done by what was Commodore , and is not Compaq, releasing its 1985 special edition of its total home packs. Just look at it, isn't it pretty? (No.) As technology was still very recent during the 1980's, and only just becoming accesible and affordable to the public, advertisers changed their approach, and tried to focus on the internal workings of the product, mentioning bigger ram sizes, memory etc.

These uses of ram and memory is what has spurred on into the 21t century  with the internal workings of a computer or laptop still being heavily judged by its components. during its release it received a global acceptance, with the whole package being so affordable that it became "The next big thing to have". This begs the question, in 20 years, what is going to be the next big thing?

The most recent "big thing" has been Facebook and the uprising of social media, which jsut topped 1 billion users last September. With this huge influx in capacity, with such such short time scale, it will be very hard to predict who, or what is going to be the global technology leaders, and what is going to be the next item of stardom.

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