Sunday 17 March 2013

1970's Advertising

Sticking with my Context of Practise overview, I feel it would be advisable to follow technology brands through their birth, and to see how they started and launched each of their new products. One of the most popular and the biggest technology share holder in the world Apple has been my target for the 1970, with their advert released in 1978. It shows the new Apple computer (boxy, right?), and contains the headline "Apple invents the personal computer, Again.". This combined use of product imagine and clever copy give great sense around the product, and due to its technological advances at the time, became a massive success compared to the previous model. It had made fun of its self, using a previous advert to make a "mockery", as it was slated for underperformance and consistently crashing when running high performance programs. This level of courage used by the brand gained a lot of respect from avid followers and customers, who valued its approach in recognising its mistakes, and releasing another product to replace it. 

Great job Apple, now stop being so god damn expensive! 

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