Saturday 7 December 2013

Simulacra: What on earth?

Simulacra basically means that NOTHING IS REAL! Here are my lecture notes

Reality is nothing more than a sum of all appearance. It only makes in history, and the belief that "I think therefore I am"completely applies here. It goes against traditional methodologies in philosophy, and challenges the idea of a "unique personality", and that is nothing but an illusion. What we perceive is not the truth, and the simulation is so real that we are "dubbed" into believing it is real.

A more simple analogy is to think of the plot for The Matrix. The matrix is nothing but a computer code which represent reality, however reality is something very bleak.

Baudrillard goes onto say:
Most media is becoming very transparent, and flattening its meaning to some degree. Having too much meaning can lead to total entropy, rendering it completely useless. It says that advertising does not work, adding no communication. He goes onto to state that it serves no purpose apart to feed the constant supply/demand nature of humankind, using the objectification of emotions and human behaviour for personal gain alone.

The last statement I took from the seminar was, "We are creating for a creationist society, and is looped to infinite", which basically sums up Baudrillard thought on advertising.

So in short, someone in advertising realllllllly pissed of Baudrillard at some point in his life, and nothing is real, GREEEAAATTTT!

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