Saturday 7 December 2013

To Make your life easier Janine!


Heres just a list of what theories and research that I have been influenced by from the Seminars, and have gone on into using for my Context of Practice essay titled, "The Death of ONline Advertising". 

- "Baudrallards Simulation" compared to the simulation of online personalities in Social Media

- The Gaze influenced my opinions on visual methodologies, and how can you appeal to the true human desire through the internet, is it even possible? 

- Creative Rhetoric's states that being online has helped creativity + creatives. Im posing an argument against this, as well as disagreeing with Trevor Beattie's statement that the internet is "the best thing since the wheel".

- Panopticism is referenced through the affect of businesses collecting data on absent minded consumers, and that we know we are being watched, but by who exactly? 

- Cybernetics plays into this essay extremely well, with it being based around interactive communication. Im arguing if businesses and ourselves have destroyed the "perfect haven of advertising" that Gossage would have revelled in. Is online advertising actually dying? 

All of these questions are answered in my essay, Which I hope provides a decent enough conclusion to this ever growing problem of over saturation in all forms of media. 

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