Saturday 7 December 2013

Creative Rhetorics

The Nine Things 
1) Creative Genius 
2) Democratic & Political Creativity
3) Ubiquitous Creativity
4) Creativity for social good
5) Creativity as economic imperative
6) Play & Creativity 
    • Divergent thinking activities 
    • Image surfing 
    • Brainstorming
    • Improvisational theatre
    • 100 –mile-an-hour thinking
    • Free- thinking
    • Creativity as a type of play/thinking
7) Creativity & Cognition
8) The creative affordance of technology
9) The Creative Classroom

These are the nine forms that being creative has come under, and almost unknowingly followed by creatives, however is merged more into the art of learning the practice, rather than being religiously taught. however a sector I particular found of interest was the affordance of technology. 

It stated that creative streams have been greatly advanced due to the increase into technology, and allowing more business to jump onto the online bandwagon. As well as this, it has allowed students and creatives alike to share, post and discuss work, speeding up the transfer of information infinitely. 

Heres a summary of Trevor Beattie's thoughts on advertising 
Beattie (BMB) ECD:
  • Internet is the biggest idea since the wheel 
  • Greater information transfer
  • Most interesting point in communications history 

I like this, however I somewhat disagree, being online doesn't just necessary mean its a good thing?
These questions interest me, as I feel its naive to think online culture is easy to jump into, and takes a lot more thought and time to get it right. This subject interested me, and may expand this further closer to the time of writing the Context of Practice Essay.

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