Saturday 7 December 2013


1) What is the major effect of Panopticon?
To induce a being into a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power. Disconnects individual from the viewer , ca not see the authority. CCTV?

2) How does the institution create and sustain a power relation independent of the person who exercises it?
By using constant and methodical surveillance of the person, and it should always be visible, to induce fear/scare the person into control. The inmate must never know if he is being watched. Disindividualises power, no one authority.  – Data about us online, not sure how can look at it

3) How is Panopticism so effective?
Because it supplies to need of uniformity to the person, and if kept well, does not need constant monitoring, no bars on windows so to speak. The dominance of power is obvious, and is ingrained into the persons nature. Self-Surveillance.

4) How does Panopticism do the work of naturalists. 
It allows observations to made on people without the need of a clinical based study, and research into psychoanalyses can be done in a natural environment, harnessing reliable results on the aptitude and attitudes of people.

5) In what way is Panopticism a laboratory?
It produces a social, identifiable norm, to asses the changes in behavior and attitudes against how the constant used to be. It could measure the effect of different punishments, medicines, etc, through reactions alone.

6) List the Conditions in Which Panopticism strengthens power?
  • Can actively increase/decrease people who have power
  • Can intervene at any moment
  • Can also be left to follow its on demise
  • Acts directly on each individual

The ever-growing influence of the state, to its even more profound intervention. How much data is available.. Think of ancient Rome, voting for the best way to go forward. Lack of visibility is better in society.

The individual is carefully pre-fabricated, the sort of people that the state once. Institutional power at any level. 

The IPA is an institution. Panopticism is a theory on institutional power. Argument is that advertising teaches you “how to be” and conforms your individuality into socially acceptable and desirable needs.

The Virtual Revolution - Groups, join groups of people who are lie yourself, become a type of person online, there are online personality

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