Monday 18 March 2013

Better start topping up!

Heres and excerpt from a book I found called "Always On"

"Searches conducted on mobile phones have skyrocketed in just the past few years - up 400% since 2010. Mobile internet usage is fast approaching PC internet usage and experts predict that by 2015, the primary platform for internet traffic will be mobile phones.

Having a website that is optimised for mobile devices translates into a better experience for all users – both those who search for you directly and those who locate your product or service through search. A mobile optimised website is not simply one viewable on mobile devices, but rather a site that is designed specifically to be easily readable and fully functional on small screens."

It really is amazing to witness and research how adapted and dependent we become to things almost instantaneously  The introduction of the mobile phone wit internet usage happened in 2002, and now its impossible to think of a phone that can not gain access to the internet. It changes like these which will be continuously intermediate, and more brutal, and any company or brand that is not ready for the new technology can easily get caught out, and get lost in digital translation. 

Well that's just great!

After all my hard research into what will be the next trend, I stumble across this website, which states


Well I may be over-exaggerating a bit, but it certainly is scary to think that the most dominant country that we have had over the course of history is set to change very soon, and upset the balance of almost everything! What will happen to stock shares? Will moving to China be the next big thing? Who's will take of USA's next? So many questions are being asked and quiet frankly, it is almost impossible to tell until it happens. Of course it will not be as dramatic as I am making it out to be, and will happen over the course of a couple years, but in order to gain a much deeper understanding, a broader scale of research into not just economies, but cultures, transport, finance, and all other industries will be affected. More work for me!

China is coming.....

Beware, that is all for now......

and start learning Chinese.....

The more research I do, the more scared i becoming.....

Hold me.

1980's Advertising

Here is an advert done by what was Commodore , and is not Compaq, releasing its 1985 special edition of its total home packs. Just look at it, isn't it pretty? (No.) As technology was still very recent during the 1980's, and only just becoming accesible and affordable to the public, advertisers changed their approach, and tried to focus on the internal workings of the product, mentioning bigger ram sizes, memory etc.

These uses of ram and memory is what has spurred on into the 21t century  with the internal workings of a computer or laptop still being heavily judged by its components. during its release it received a global acceptance, with the whole package being so affordable that it became "The next big thing to have". This begs the question, in 20 years, what is going to be the next big thing?

The most recent "big thing" has been Facebook and the uprising of social media, which jsut topped 1 billion users last September. With this huge influx in capacity, with such such short time scale, it will be very hard to predict who, or what is going to be the global technology leaders, and what is going to be the next item of stardom.

Sunday 17 March 2013

1970's Advertising

Sticking with my Context of Practise overview, I feel it would be advisable to follow technology brands through their birth, and to see how they started and launched each of their new products. One of the most popular and the biggest technology share holder in the world Apple has been my target for the 1970, with their advert released in 1978. It shows the new Apple computer (boxy, right?), and contains the headline "Apple invents the personal computer, Again.". This combined use of product imagine and clever copy give great sense around the product, and due to its technological advances at the time, became a massive success compared to the previous model. It had made fun of its self, using a previous advert to make a "mockery", as it was slated for underperformance and consistently crashing when running high performance programs. This level of courage used by the brand gained a lot of respect from avid followers and customers, who valued its approach in recognising its mistakes, and releasing another product to replace it. 

Great job Apple, now stop being so god damn expensive! 

And the winner is....

For my Context of Practice brief, I have chosen to use Red Bull as my brand, and ambitiously, have set to create adverts for the Future (dont ask why).

the reason behind this is because Red Bull is a very young company, starting out in 1984, and has no real historical advertising campaigns except for the Give You Wings campaign. My project will be designed for the year 2034, the 50th Anniversary of Red Bull, and try to understand changes in technology, cultural surroundings and economic behaviours. 

Lets hope robots and what not havent eaten us by then......

DDB Decades of Excellence - 1950/1960

"Think Small". Two words which changed the face of advertising, and dawned the age of what we now know as Copywriters. It was these two words created by the agency DDB which captured a nation off guard, and sent Volkswagen sales through the roof. But why? Because it simply hadn't been done before. Nobody had been brave enough to push boundaries, and fully take risks in advertising industry, or force the readers to pay attention to minute details of copy, and literally "think". Instead of displaying all the information out for the user to make an informed decision  it was reserved, clever, and cunning in its execution. This remains to be one of the most influential adverts of the post-war affluence, and shaped the way the western world consumed their media. 

LMS Advertising

The early 1920's were known to be highly criticised for it's advertising. People accused it of being 'tasteless'. However in response this, Norman Wilkinson started to advertise posters, of which were commissioned by London, Midland and Scottish Railways, also known as LMS. However simple, the addition of a colour print along with the simplistic style of the image managed to hit with "bang", causing massive amounts of word-of-mouth and discussions about the adverts and the products itself. The post-war stylings used helped shaped the common years in advertising, especially post World War II, which changed the way we viewed the world.